Sunday 15 December 2013

The Last Mile

It's 1:30am and I woke up thinking about the great Nelson Mandela.  The last thing I watched on the news before going to bed was the procession and funeral as they laid him to rest. Earlier in the day I had watched a movie on his life, and no one can dispute that he was truly a great man.  However, this all lead me to think of the "final mile"we must all walk, a mile which we each must walk alone, no matter how great or how small we are.  When the music fades and the last speech is read, the only words that counts is that of our Lord Jesus Christ, when He examines our heart.
This is not about Mr. Mandela, this is about me and you and every human on this earth.  The world has one opinion of us, based on the things we have done and said which is truth, but is it the whole truth?  When we go to court, we are asked to place our hand on the Bible and tell the truth, but funny enough they don't leave it at that, they continue to ask fore the WHOLE TRUTH.  You see there is the TRUTH OF FACT, for example we gave a large donation to Feed the Children Foundation.  The world will applaud us as kind and wonderful.  However the world doesn't know the motive BEHIND the gift. Was it because we truly care about the kids or was it because the contribution allowed us into an"elite" section of society which would further our career.  Truth comes from God, He is the author and measurer of truth, and anything or anyone else that you measure truth by, is a lie.  You see only God and yourself know the WHOLE TRUTH (our motive behind our action).  That is why the Spirit of God searches our hearts.  Because we are sometimes given to deceitful behavior which we sugar coat to look good in the eyes of our neighbors, but what we should be more concerned is how are we looking in the eyes of God.
In my lifetime I have seen many icons buried, I have attend many funerals of great and small people, and no matter how many tributes are made, and songs sung, there is one thing that they all have in the end everyone goes back home to continue their life and that person must "walk the final mile" alone and give account for their own actions
. This blog is not meant to depress you but to remind you that you can make that final mile a joyous and wonderful one, assured that you will be receive into the warm embrace of a loving Father, as Hes says, "Well done good and faithful servant..I have a place prepared for you."  How can you be sure? Its so simple and will only take a minute or two. Just pray these words (genuinely from your heart). "Lord Jesus I know you are God, and that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose from the dead so that I might have eternal life with you.  I recognize that I am a sinner, and ask you to forgive my sins and give me your righteousness.  Come into my heart Jesus and become Lord and Savior of my Life, AMEN."  If you truthfully prayed that prayer then be assured that your "final mile" is secure.  Your next step is to start building a relationship with Jesus, through prayer and reading His Word (the Bible), it's an amazing adventure of your life!!!  GOD BLESS.