Saturday 22 March 2014

Be Encouraged

 Sometimes we are going through some tough places in our lives, physically, financially, emotionally or spiritually and we know God is there and we believe, but still ask God "help me with my unbelief" because there is the human part of us that think "I will never get it right" or "things cant get better" or "this can't be fixed it is too broken".

I too have these times and struggles and it is such a hard place to be.  At these times the devil is obliging enough, that when one thing is not going right in your life he reminds you of all the other things that is broken or you messed up, and send you spiraling down even further.  My mom called me this morning and told me to play this song over and over and let it seep into my system so that 'I will know that I know' that it's not over, God is in control and He has just begun and will fix it ALL! 

I have been playing this song and I will continue as the words reassure and comfort me.  I pray it will do the same for you.