Saturday 22 March 2014

Be Encouraged

 Sometimes we are going through some tough places in our lives, physically, financially, emotionally or spiritually and we know God is there and we believe, but still ask God "help me with my unbelief" because there is the human part of us that think "I will never get it right" or "things cant get better" or "this can't be fixed it is too broken".

I too have these times and struggles and it is such a hard place to be.  At these times the devil is obliging enough, that when one thing is not going right in your life he reminds you of all the other things that is broken or you messed up, and send you spiraling down even further.  My mom called me this morning and told me to play this song over and over and let it seep into my system so that 'I will know that I know' that it's not over, God is in control and He has just begun and will fix it ALL! 

I have been playing this song and I will continue as the words reassure and comfort me.  I pray it will do the same for you.

Sunday 15 December 2013

The Last Mile

It's 1:30am and I woke up thinking about the great Nelson Mandela.  The last thing I watched on the news before going to bed was the procession and funeral as they laid him to rest. Earlier in the day I had watched a movie on his life, and no one can dispute that he was truly a great man.  However, this all lead me to think of the "final mile"we must all walk, a mile which we each must walk alone, no matter how great or how small we are.  When the music fades and the last speech is read, the only words that counts is that of our Lord Jesus Christ, when He examines our heart.
This is not about Mr. Mandela, this is about me and you and every human on this earth.  The world has one opinion of us, based on the things we have done and said which is truth, but is it the whole truth?  When we go to court, we are asked to place our hand on the Bible and tell the truth, but funny enough they don't leave it at that, they continue to ask fore the WHOLE TRUTH.  You see there is the TRUTH OF FACT, for example we gave a large donation to Feed the Children Foundation.  The world will applaud us as kind and wonderful.  However the world doesn't know the motive BEHIND the gift. Was it because we truly care about the kids or was it because the contribution allowed us into an"elite" section of society which would further our career.  Truth comes from God, He is the author and measurer of truth, and anything or anyone else that you measure truth by, is a lie.  You see only God and yourself know the WHOLE TRUTH (our motive behind our action).  That is why the Spirit of God searches our hearts.  Because we are sometimes given to deceitful behavior which we sugar coat to look good in the eyes of our neighbors, but what we should be more concerned is how are we looking in the eyes of God.
In my lifetime I have seen many icons buried, I have attend many funerals of great and small people, and no matter how many tributes are made, and songs sung, there is one thing that they all have in the end everyone goes back home to continue their life and that person must "walk the final mile" alone and give account for their own actions
. This blog is not meant to depress you but to remind you that you can make that final mile a joyous and wonderful one, assured that you will be receive into the warm embrace of a loving Father, as Hes says, "Well done good and faithful servant..I have a place prepared for you."  How can you be sure? Its so simple and will only take a minute or two. Just pray these words (genuinely from your heart). "Lord Jesus I know you are God, and that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose from the dead so that I might have eternal life with you.  I recognize that I am a sinner, and ask you to forgive my sins and give me your righteousness.  Come into my heart Jesus and become Lord and Savior of my Life, AMEN."  If you truthfully prayed that prayer then be assured that your "final mile" is secure.  Your next step is to start building a relationship with Jesus, through prayer and reading His Word (the Bible), it's an amazing adventure of your life!!!  GOD BLESS.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Shadows Are Not Real

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
(2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV)

One day while reading my Bible, I soon became distracted and began to daydream about being like David.  I thought maybe I could write something deep and meaningful that would touch God’s heart.  Or maybe I could be a person of great faith like Smith Wigglesworth and preach the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with power and authority.  I tried not to think too much of being like Paul or any martyred saint, as that was way above me, I rationalized that I was not brave enough.  Besides persecution is painful, and my pain threshold is too low to endure, so God would understand that I had to pass on the “martyr” anointing.

As I leaned back in my comfortable reading chair, I slowly began to drift off to sleep with thoughts of me leading great crowds of people to the Lord in a Billy Graham kind of setting.  Suddenly, the Lord began to speak to me.  My eyes popped open and I sat up on the edge of the chair, all attention focused on what the Lord would say to me.  He said that He needed me to understand His scripture and not just recite it but grasp its deeper meaning.  I quickly answered, “I am ready Lord, show me” grabbing my pen and notebook.  I had decided that I needed to write these things down, as I was now a minister and I wanted to share these revelations with others.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4 NKJV)

As the Lord spoke my pen literally flew over the pages, trying to catch every word.  He explained to me that so often we declare through our prayers in Psalm 23 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”  The question is He asked “Do you understand what the valley of the shadow of death is?”  I answered “I don’t really know Lord; in fact I really never spent much time meditating on it.” 

As faithful as ever the Lord explained “when you go through fearful and dark times in your life it is the valley of the shadow of death that my son David wrote about.  It is a place that feels like death, so terrible the experience. The Devil  uses what he is good at, and that is illusion.  A shadow is just a replica or false impression of the real thing.  It has the appearance of what it replicates, but it has no substance or power, because it isn't real.  The devil has found that by keeping you fearful, he can keep you for extended periods in the valley and from your purpose, as you are not exercising your faith and authority in Me”

Wow I thought I had never looked at it like that.  How many times had I been scared because the enemy was able to trick me with shadows of the real “death”, when in fact I should have stood unafraid?  I needed to meditate on this; it could change my life of fear to one of authority and power, if I just allowed that word to seep into my very heart and soul.

Before I could sit back and reflect on these words the Lord continued His explanation.  He said “This valley is merely a pathway that all must travel.  But my children have set up camp and refuse to leave because their focus is on the shadows around them, which makes them remain paralyzed in fear.  If they would only remember the second part of what David wrote.”  Before I could inquire what those words were, He continued, “I will fear no evil; for I am with you”.  Ever so lovingly He said, “You forget that I am with you always, and I will never allow you to endure anything by yourself.  My promise to you and to all generations is to never leave you or forsake you.  Therefore if you would focus on me while in the valley, you would begin to see the light of My Glory.  That light will dispel all darkness, and when darkness flees, so will the shadows.  Shadows cannot exist in my glorious light.  I will walk with you, and comfort you if you look to Me.”     

A feeling of warmth and tenderness flooded my soul, at the realization that my God had made a provision for every situation in my life.   There would never be a moment when I would be alone.  My needs are provided for, my fears are dispelled, comfort for my loneliness, peace when I am distraught.  A fresh new light dawned in my eyes; I am safe, no matter what the situation may appear to be.  The song ‘It is Well with My Soul’ erupted from my heart and I burst in to song, knowing that it truly was well with my soul... I pray you will allow it to be "well with your soul" as well.

* * *

Sunday 24 November 2013

The Wrong Scale

Have you ever felt like you never measure up? Or that you are not pretty enough, smart enough, holy enough...basically just not good enough?  Well you are not alone.  Last night I was talking with my cousin in Canada and as we usually do, we were sharing our feelings and what we are going through, 'LIFE'.
As we were encouraging each other "in the Lord" I felt the Holy Spirit (in that still small voice) saying "You have been weighing yourself in the wrong scale."  As someone always struggling with weight (I am presently on my thousandth diet) He had my attention. He said, "you have allowed the devil to once again trick you.  He has made you place yourself in his scale where he weighs your self worth, your value, your emotions, your future.  On every score you have come up lacking."  I began sharing this revelation with my cousin and she confirmed this, as I could also attest to the same thoughts.  We began discussing how sometimes there is a heavy feeling and even the beginnings of depression about our circumstances.  The Holy Spirit began speaking again, He said, "the devil's scale is unbalanced, you will never measure up, it has been preset by him to keep you off balance. It is like going to a market and placing your vegetables on the scale for the vendor to weigh.  However the scale has been rigged to cheat you.  Then, to further deceive you, he skillfully places his finger on the scale making it rob you more.  This the vendor does while slyly distracting you. That's what the devil does also, he keeps you focused on trying to achieve perfection in the physical, while cheating you out of a balanced, and spiritually blessed life."  WOW... That made perfect sense.  God always uses simple illustrations so that we can get it!
He then went on to say, "place yourself on My scale of TRUTH, it is balanced by My Word and My promises.  I cannot lie.  I never look at your righteousness, but at My Son's righteousness that was freely given to you when he traded it for your sins.  You are balanced in My scale because on the other side of the scale sits Jesus."
This was an eye opener for me.  I never realized that I was being cheated, I just racked it up to being a part of life.  Well no more!  I will make sure I keep on the right scale...what about you?