Sunday 24 November 2013

The Wrong Scale

Have you ever felt like you never measure up? Or that you are not pretty enough, smart enough, holy enough...basically just not good enough?  Well you are not alone.  Last night I was talking with my cousin in Canada and as we usually do, we were sharing our feelings and what we are going through, 'LIFE'.
As we were encouraging each other "in the Lord" I felt the Holy Spirit (in that still small voice) saying "You have been weighing yourself in the wrong scale."  As someone always struggling with weight (I am presently on my thousandth diet) He had my attention. He said, "you have allowed the devil to once again trick you.  He has made you place yourself in his scale where he weighs your self worth, your value, your emotions, your future.  On every score you have come up lacking."  I began sharing this revelation with my cousin and she confirmed this, as I could also attest to the same thoughts.  We began discussing how sometimes there is a heavy feeling and even the beginnings of depression about our circumstances.  The Holy Spirit began speaking again, He said, "the devil's scale is unbalanced, you will never measure up, it has been preset by him to keep you off balance. It is like going to a market and placing your vegetables on the scale for the vendor to weigh.  However the scale has been rigged to cheat you.  Then, to further deceive you, he skillfully places his finger on the scale making it rob you more.  This the vendor does while slyly distracting you. That's what the devil does also, he keeps you focused on trying to achieve perfection in the physical, while cheating you out of a balanced, and spiritually blessed life."  WOW... That made perfect sense.  God always uses simple illustrations so that we can get it!
He then went on to say, "place yourself on My scale of TRUTH, it is balanced by My Word and My promises.  I cannot lie.  I never look at your righteousness, but at My Son's righteousness that was freely given to you when he traded it for your sins.  You are balanced in My scale because on the other side of the scale sits Jesus."
This was an eye opener for me.  I never realized that I was being cheated, I just racked it up to being a part of life.  Well no more!  I will make sure I keep on the right scale...what about you?

1 comment:

  1. This most definitely is an eye opener for me!! Satan system is a counterfeit system, HE'S A FAKE!!! So, he will do whatever he has to do to distract us. Thank you for this revelation. I most definitely will not think that because I'm fluffy that I don't deserve to be loved because I'm fearfully and wonderfully made!!!
